American football has to be reformed

Why has American football become so brutish? This seems to be a question increasingly asked by many people, and the seriousness of the issue was just brought to my notice by an email this morning.

Years ago rugby used to be similar: violent and dangerous. To avoid being steam-rollered in the scrum or set upon by three people at once, all running at you at top speed, the answer was to get rid of the ball as quickly as possible by kicking it. Gradually, rugby games became two thirds kicking backwards and forwards up and down the field, and one third what you might call ordinary play.

The reason I mention this is that the body that governed the sport one day woke up to the fact that the sport had become boring and the spectators were fleeing. They changed the rules to reduce unnecessary violence, stop futile ball kicking and to make the game a fast and exciting one. My nephew is a rugby enthusiast and a few years ago sat me down to watch an international rugby match (personal note: my father once played international rugby for England against France, and I felt I had to emulate him. But I was left with a deep prejudice against the game). I hardly recognised the game called rugby – fast, exciting, fewer dangerous tackles and none to the crude violence as used by over-muscled American players. (Note: England won).

As with rugby, reform will come in the NFL, and civilised behaviour will hopefully be restored. It has to be. Timing is the only issue. With it,hopefully, the strange case of the tail wagging the dog will be resolved in favour of academic excellence (I refer to the importance of sport at universities that are supposed to be centers of learning). The 300lb guys will have to do some slimming, but in general it will be really positive news for the rest of us. Good to look forward to.

One Comment

  1. I’d publish a Little List. We have a good idea of who sponsored the Roman carnage festivals and why they did so.

    What’s needed in the 21st Century is a Little List of names and addresses of real human beings not fake human beings (corporations.) Name the dudes who sign the checks for men such as those pictured. They would be held accountable. For example, who paid for the steroids? for the tattoo parlors? the gym machines uniforms, etc. .

    Next step: I’d pass a little law to go with the little list. Every mention of one of these unsocialized brutes would have to be accompanied by the name and photo-ID of the person paying him.

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