All things come to an end

This is my final goodbye and “thank you” to the many loyal visitors to this blog. There is a time and place, a beginning and an end to most things. The system has dictated that I can upload no more items. I am blocked. And my age and energy tell me that the time is right to stop.

Thank you!


  1. Bob – It has been a pleasure and an honor to have accompanied you on this Epicurean journey. Your stamina since starting this blog has been something to marvel at (er, at which to marvel). Your wisdom has likewise been marvelous, particularly as expressed in a writing style that was understandable, not to mention exemplary. Most of the time, each post touched on a subject or theme that we fellow homo sapiens would do well to consider and give thought to. Doing so we might agree or disagree but, in any case, the daily mental stimulation provided by your posts must contribute to the health of our minds, as daily walks contribute to the health of our bodies. Even though you’ve hung up the cursor, your Epicurean commentary on life, politics, environment and all the rest will stand on the internet as gems of wit and wisdom for the benefit of present and future seekers who are fortunate enough to find them. With gratitude, we bow with hat in hand as you stride (or perhaps hobble) ahead toward whatever the future holds for you. Thank you, sir!

    /s/ John a/k/a HarpShot, your obedient servant and “webmaster”.

    • Although Bob’s retirement forecloses dialogs with him, it doesn’t foreclose exploring the years of articles posted here for the gems of wit and wisdom to be found therein. Since the launch of Epicurus Today, I’ve had the privilege of serving as “webmaster” for Bob. I’m not a professional, just a hobbyist. I told Bob I’d keep the site up as long as I could, because I think it’s a valuable resource. Many of Bob’s posts remain relevant, and may prompt discussion. If anyone cares to submit comments, I’ll serve as “moderator” and will try to approve worthy contributions as soon as I can. I can’t promise expediency, proficiency, or longevity, but I’ll give it a go for the time being.

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