Achieving American citizenship

I have been asked for tips about applying to be a citizen of the U.S.

1.  When asked in the “English exam”  who were the colonists fighting to achieve freedom”, don’t reply Good King George  III.

2.  When asked , “What is the US, a republic or a democracy”, don’t reply,  ” A  corporatocracy.”   These immigration  guys are chosen specifically because they are very serious and have no recognizable sense of humour.  Even if you are entirely correct.

Lastly,  save up because it is expensive, and be very patient because the whole system is broken, inefficient, and mind-bendingly bureaucratic.

One Comment

  1. We, in the UK are too polite to exclude anyone. Immigrants do not need to be able to speak English, or agree with our political constitution, our economic arrangements, or our cultural, religious, social, Judicial (&) traditions.

    We are very nice aren’t we?

    (&) people are allowed to set up their own courts in all but criminal cases.

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