About time, too

British registrations of 4 x 4s (SUVs) fell more than 18 per cent last month, part of a Europe-wide collapse.

Were Epicurus alive today he would be appalled that these monsters were ever designed in the first place in an era of climate change.   Where I live they are overwhelmingly used by young women who think they afford them protection, an idea that was exploded years ago.  Few can see the ordinary saloons in their rear view mirror and routinely reverse into the car behind, so high off the ground are these vehicles.  I for one will not mourn them.


  1. This is a story against myself. Some while ago outside my house I stood watching a young woman driving an SUV, trying to manoeuvre into a very small parking space. Six tries she had. She then wound down the window and called to me, “If you were a gentleman you would help me instead of standing there watching.” Stung by this justified remark I helped her into the pace, which resulted in about a three inch gap at either end. Then I replied to her, “Here’s tip. Get rid of this ugly monster and buy a car you’re able to drive and park. You have now hit the car behind you three times.”

  2. Robert focuses on a serious division in our society — not politics this time but drivers who ride in reasonably efficient cars vs. the Entitled Ones who use road space, parking space, raw materials, and oil in order to bully their way down the city’s narrow-ish streets.

    Of course I’m waiting for the denouement: what did the young lady say when you advised her car-buying alternatives? Your gentlemanly self probably keeps you from quoting her.

    From About time, too, 2008/06/11 at 8:56 AM

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