A message from the moderator

The objective of this blog is to discuss relevant questions about current issues and to ask, were Epicurus alive today, what attitude might he adopt toward them.

It is not the intention to compete in any way with the excellent Yahoo discussion site,


which concentrates on more philosophical matters and where the posts are quite long and the discussions often extended.  Here we aim for short, snappy posts and short, snappy comments that do not take long to read or absorb.

We have available to us only a fraction of the teachings of Epicurus and, and his philosophy has to be deduced from what has survived the depredations of time and Christian hostility. Meanwhile times and outlooks have changed, and the world is a very different place from the Greek world of Epicurus.

So the aim is to pose questions and give tentative answers, in the full knowledge that one’s biases and preferences will show through and one will antagonize some readers.  All the better.  Maybe contributors will pop up, argue, and explain why this moderator is wrong!