A fight against Gog and Magog?

According to James Haught, editor of the Charleston Gazette, George Bush phoned French President Jacques Chirac in 2003 and, appealing to their “common faith’, asked for his support in invading Iraq to thwart Gog and Magog, the satanic agents of the Apolcalypse (he didn’t get it – rightly).  Gog and Magog are at working the Middle East,  he is supposed to have said.. …The biblical prophecies are being fulfilled…This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people’s enemies before the New Age begins.   In case you don’t get it, His people are the Israelis.

I personally thought Bush invaded Iraq to get the oil, which at least would have been rational.  Others were conned into thinking Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, or were of the opinion that Bush was avenging his father, or whatever.   It turns out that Bush was actually a dangerous religious nut, and had around him other people in the same mold. I remember speaking to a neighbour and personal friend of the Bushes in Crawford Texas in 2002, who told me that George was a really smart guy who was posing as as one of the lads for political purposes.  She added that he was very conversant with foreign affairs, and especially the Middle East. She told me not to underestimate him.

Four thousand American deaths and $1 trillion dollars later Israel is no more secure, there were no weapons of mass destruction, and the Americans  didn’t get the oil.  No wonder a majority of Americans believe their country is in decline.

In the face of all this crassness and incompetence  Epicureans should  close the door and stay within the calm and beauty of a garden, ignoring the crazies.


  1. Just how reliable is James Haught of the Charleston Gazette? Of what political persuasion? Of what religious persuasion, if any? Who is paying him?

    Rational Epicureans, prefer to live in peace and harmony, and prefer NOT to bomb the sh…t out of anyone. Furthermore, I am certain, they look upon many in the media (specially those with more power than they should have) with cynicism an indeed scorn.

    Craziness comes in many disguises – especially if one is paid.

  2. To be honest I have no idea what Mr. Haught’s political views are, and it is very difficult to judge the reliability of any commentator or journalist these days. Many seem to have agendas. This particular matter was brought to my attention by someone who is very careful, thoughtful and a dedicated public servant, with very good contacts in the State Department. I don’t think he would knowingly disseminate something that is a pure fabrication.

  3. Oh dear, if he really did say it. It’s always a good idea to be watching out for the Antichrist, and, if sufficiently paranoid, one can find him under every stone.

    Perhaps, to be charitable one must bear in mind that the ‘twin towers ‘ tragedy happened on Bush’s watch so he could have an excuse for being paranoid. ?

    However he had his biblical exegesis slightly out. God, I am sure does not want war either to erase Israel’s enemies or to usher in the new age of peace. John “saw” an apocalypse (world war three, so it is thought ..or maybe four or five) while on the isle of Patmos , the result of which this turbulent world will at last have peace instead of war; justice instead of injustice; liberty instead of slavery; equity instead of poverty ; Christ instead of Antichrist, etc. His vision was just that – a vision. (though it goes on for the whole of the book of Revelations)

    I, for one, look forward to such a day when we all start behaving ourselves, however it might come about. Though I doubt I will see it in my lifetime.

  4. Thank you for your comments on John and his visions. I am not certain that the extreme born agains who are a particular feature of the United States have interpreted it that way. They seem to think that after the huge war John foresaw they will be suddenly transported to heaven, after, of course, the conversion of the Jews. Isn’t that right?

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