A defeat for ordinary people

Fast Track Trade Authority (TPA) has now passed both houses of Congress, with 28 Democrats in the House and 13 Democratic U.S. senators supporting President Obama and the corporations by voting “yes.” This means that, once the Fast Track bill is signed, Obama will be able to complete the negotiations for one of the two trade agrements, TPP.

Included in the bill was a provision banning the U.S Trade Representative from addressing climate change in trade agrements (yes, you resd it correctly). Excluded was any assistance to workers displaced by trade agreements, an attempt to soften the blow of an expected huge loss of jobs. As for the substance of the two big trade treaties in question, TTP and TTIP, Congress and the public still don’t yet know what is being agreed.

But all is not necessarily lost. Congress will have to vote on TTP, probably this fall. Robert Weissman, president of the consumer advocacy group Public Citizen, put out a statement saying that once “people see what is actually in the agreement, they are going to force their representatives in Washington to vote that deal down.”