1. Which illustrates the power of propaganda from the pulpit and the right-wing owned media. A decent education system run by trained and educated teachers would counter this canard. Unfortunately, we are unlikely to get one, because it costs money and this means more tax.

  2. For those of us across the pond, could you briefly explain how this misunderstanding could come about, quoting if possible the bits that apply?

  3. So now I have read the constitutioThe USA is not a Christian nation???? OK. I suggest, however, that your judicial system is based on the Judeo/Christian ethic. I have lived in countries which have no such foundation and have seen the difference.
    Epicurus would want a justice system which acts as a break against that which disturbs our peace, safety and security of mind. eh? The ten commandments surely contributes that that. Not hat this is all there is to being a Christian.

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