A brief foray into politics (with apologies)

In 2006, 18,000 votes disappeared in Sarasota due to machine error or tampering, the exact nature of which still has not been determined.   A bill, H.R. 811 — the Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act — is currently up before the  US House of Representatives to avoid this happening again.  It  allows for  paper records for every vote (and mandatory audits) in time for the presidential election.

How could  you possibly oppose hard copies of votes, unless you were up to no good?  Insisting on electronic voting with no paper record gives politics an even dirtier name and persuades more people to become Epicureans , in deed, if not in name.  That  is, they abandon interest in the democratic process.   Yes, Epicurus told us not to get involved in the business of the polis.  But we who care for what remains of democracy are in two minds when we see such things  (common sense things) become a matter of debate.


  1. For the information of foreign readers – -the chief manufacturer of electronic voting machines in the US is an avowed contributor to the coffers of one party.
    Shameless is a mild word to use.

  2. Yes, this Epicurean shares the two minds when the opportunity for reform appears in local and national politics. Even banks issue receipts for any electronic transaction. It’s a sad pass when banks are more transparent that the voting system of Sarasota.

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