A bit of trivia to occupy the mind

The original handshake

To The Times

You report that handshaking can be traced back at least to the Ancient Greeks. In fact, it is of Zoroastrian origin. On Nemrut Dag, in the Taurus mountains in Turkey, there is a rock carving from the time of King Antiochus I, in the first century BC, showing the assembly of the gods in which Antiochus is invested with kingship. The sign of the transference of divine power from god to his earthly representative is the shaking of hands. This is just one of several ways in which this ancient and largely forgotten religion has shaped our conventions and beliefs.  (Dominic Kirkham, Manchester, The Week 18 April 2020)

My comment:  Now, suddenly, we cannot shake hands at all.  It seems unnatural.  Shaking someone’s hand is an act of acceptance, welcome and good manners.

I remember my father impressing on me the importance of a firm, manly handshake, which, he thought, told the other person volumes about you as an individual – and a potential employee. That went with a smile, of course, whereas a glum look and a flaccid, sweaty hand did not impress, nor did it’s owner get the job.