A basic tenet of Epicureanism

To Epicurus truth and certainty are desirable and should lead to imperturbability and serenity. The study of the nature of things has a purpose: the cultivation of peace of mind and the dispelling of irrational fears that are born of ignorance and superstition.
(Tending the Epicurean Garden, by Hiram Crespo)

This is the basic idea of Epicureanism. In order to reach a state of ataraxia (serenity) you need to abandon the things that cause the most stress: chasing after money, influence, power, promotion and consumer items, and try to be content with just enough money, just enough goods, just enough food and drink, and be happy that you live in a country where you can be educated, there is law and order, and the basics, like adequate food and water and a roof over your head. All the other stuff leads to frustration and is – just clutter.

One Comment

  1. Exactly! In your amplification of Hiram Crespo’s comments, I especially agree with this: “All the other stuff leads to frustration and is–just clutter.”

    It takes awhile to learn just how brainwashed we are, though, doesn’t it?

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