Epicurus and people of like mind

“The aim is not only to live a pleasant life, but, if possible to participate in the creation of a sub-culture, or perhaps a counterculture, that is conducive to a pleasant life. This process has to be ongoing because of the corruption of society. We live in a consumerist society where empty desires and values are constantly praised and celebrated in the media. Epicurus advised his followers to be in frequent contact with people of like mind, as this is essential for developing good habits. If friendship is impossible then you should avoid the person in question”.(from “Tending the Epicurean Garden” by Hiram Crespo)

I think most people are disillusioned with idea of communes. They were tried many times in the 1960s and 1970s, and few worked. This is because there is so often an irritating person who has to take control, and knows better than anyone else. Years ago I was invited to buy a house situated in the grounds of a delightful country estate, with ample grounds and a kitchen garden to die for. The idea was great, but the owner of the state, although very smart and well meaning, was clearly used to calling the shots. He wanted to make all the decisions unilaterally and was annoyed and offended when I backed out; but I was right to do so. For many people, including myself, an equal relationship is vital. But there are plenty of people only too glad to be told what to do – it is less stressful than the alternative of having to think for yourself.