Let’s try another Balzac quote

“The human heart may find here and there a resting-place short of the highest height of affection, but we seldom stop in the steep, downward slope of hatred.”

Honore de Balzac “Old Goriot”

One Comment

  1. Here we are in the United States, in the midst of a never-ending election, faced with, on the one side, a black candidate who represents at least the hope of better days if nothing else, better politics (although don’t entirely count on it!), some real leadership-by-grownup and a public sense of humor ; and on the other hand a man who seems decent and may not like the idea but is propelled by a far too many people who are motivated by money, money, money and profound dislike of any color of skin except white.

    Hating people is un-Epicurean and should be left to potty christian sects that have little to do with christianity. My friends resist the idea, but I think of this as a generational battle between those brought up with residual racism and the issues of the past and younger people who want to move on other pressing matters (N.B!!!! not all older people are caught up in these mind-sets. There are many who are impeccably decent; there are just too many of the others for comfort. And the election is not all about race, but so far this is the overwhelming sub-text, and in the next month it will be battered to death). Having been brought up in an unbearably class-ist society I arrived in the US appalled at the constant harping on race. But it is better than it was and this allows a black man to stand and win North Carolina and Virginia , not historically associated with liberal race attitudes.

    Whatever happens, we sure do need to do something about the democracy Americans crow about and which is in dire trouble. The good sign is the huge number of new people registering to vote. The democratic impulse is not dead, just beaten down by incompetence and corruption.

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