The uprising

Whenever there is a rebellion in any country you can be sure that the establishment crushes it with every weapon in its power.

What we are seeing vis-a-vis Obama is the whole corporatist media and their hangers on attempting to crush the man who wants to change the corrupt and anti-democratic culture of Washington D.C. No, it is not an armed revolt, and no, it is not being suppressed with tanks. Instead , it is being repelled by scrupulously avoiding discussion of the serious problems the country faces and by concentrating on people Obama knows, knew, met at meetings, or who have said inappropriate things or dares to tell the truth about American myths and legends. It is being crushed by talking about flag lapel pins and whether some people are bitter (yes, they are!). Rational discussion is drowned out.

These agents of anti-democracy are not ignorant – – they are paid to do this, and they are good at it. Today, on the opinion page of the Washington Post (in the old days a left-of-center paper) – there are no less than three anti-Obama articles focusing on Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and they will go focusing on him every day until this decent, intelligent and honorable man (Obama) is harried and hounded from the public arena.

This is how the engine of corporatim and its hirelings maintains its supremacy. Note well. It is very difficult to get the snouts out of the trough once they are in it. Democracy? Hah!