I was wrong! Mea culpa

I assumed that David Brat, who beat Cantor in Virginia, was a Tea Party operative, paid by the Koch Brothers. In fact, Brat won by running on opposition to Wall Street and Republican corruption in Congress, and must be loathed by the Koches. Brat is quoted as saying, “All of the investment banks, up in New York and D.C., they should have gone to jail.” well. yes!

It seems that Cantor lost, not because of massive funding by the Tea Party, and not because of his religion, but because he pointed out that Cantor was corrupt. Cantor spent close to $1 million on the race, supported by such patriots as the National Rifle Association and the National Realtors Association, just two of many perverters of democracy who have sought special favors from Cantor. Brat, in contrast, focused on free markets, corruption and cronyism, “Wall Street crooks” and D.C. insiders from both parties. (adapted from a blog posting by LEE FANG).

Anyone with enough money can get special treatment in Congress if they hire the right lobbyist. It is permanent “open day” for anyone prepared to give a generous “campaign contribution” to a powerful congressman like Eric Cantor, who is accused to manipulating legislation for his own personal enrichment. Brat appears to be a Libertarian, which is another face of self-interest, but if he can do something, anything, to rescue the country from the hands-in-the-till crowd who care not a jot or tittle about the country, then good luck to him. Epicurus would send him a donation.

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