Elderly rights – a joke?

Grown-up children who fail to visit their elderly parents, or who do not attend to their “spiritual needs”, will henceforth face the prospect of fines or even prison, under a new Chinese law that has just come into effect. China’s “Elderly Rights Law” is an attempt to deal with the country’s rapidly ageing population: by 2053, the number of Chinese aged 60 or over is projected to jump from the current 185 million to 487 million, or 35% of the population. The legislation compels citizens to address the daily, financial and spiritual needs of parents who have reached the age of 60 – and to visit them “frequently”. The move is a response to a surge in reports of elderly people facing abuse and hardship – but has been widely mocked on social media as overly vague and impossible to enforce.

Sixty? You’re a mere slip of a kid! In any case, who wants visits from grown-up children who are being forced by law to visit you? Leave me alone, please! And as for spiritual needs, give me a break! What a patronizing lot of nonsense. Epicurus might well opine that where there is love and respect, and a caring attitude there is no need for the heavy hand of the state.
in fact if the whole world was Epicurean there would be no discussion.

One Comment

  1. Last night I had a nighmare – my grown-up children were beside my death bed , addressing my spiritual needs.

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