Can you be a religious non-believer and still be moral?

Religion lays claim to a monopoly of morals, decency, and humane behavior. This claim is based upon dogmatic literature said to be the word of god or a creator, and must therefore be believed and obeyed, or else. Millions have died as a result of taking all this far too seriously. “I am right, get used to it” is the attitude of a religious extremist.

Epicureans, however, believe that most human beings are born inherently decent and moral and biologically pre-disposed toward compassion. Another way of putting it is that intelligent human beings quickly spot the point that treating others as you would like to be treated is simply common sense. Not committing murder or messing with your neighbour’s donkey likewise. There is nothing religious about the Ten Commandments – they are just social good sense.

Epicureans don’t need priests and bishops. In fact, they don’t want anyone telling them what to believe.