We are not hostile to Jesus of Nazareth

I have nothing against Jesus. Jesus was in the good old tradition of Jewish prophets and holy men, only he also gave a Sermon on the Mount that was full of good things that would meet the approval of  all decent human beings.  Mary didn’t say much, and Joseph apparently did nothing at all.  We are told.   No, I have nothing against them.

What I object to is the commercialization of the Jesus label by old men in frocks, whose objective was, and is, control over others, a more than comfortable life in palaces, and the accumulation of unbelievable riches in their own museums.

Just as bad are certain sects of self-styled “christians” (mostly in the US), who cause endless strife by trying to convert people in foreign lands (why can’t they mind their own businesses?).  No other effort is apparently needed.  They are not required to do good works , to help the sick and poor on their own doorsteps, or pay attention to, or pay taxes for,  the common good and needs of their fellow human beings.   Meanwhile, they seek to deprive homosexuals of their human rights, deny women control over their own bodies and get involved in party politics, funded by sinister billionaires with profit agendas.

For these reasons there is a growing reaction against all religious people, (which isn’t fair at all – there are wonderful, generous  and intelligent people among the ranks of the religious).  But agnosticism and atheism are growing rapidly, even in America. The sceptical and the thoughtful will no longer be  persecuted  and discriminated against by flocks of grey sheep, led by self-promoters and windbags.  Modern sceptics arise!  Throw off your chains!

Rant over.