The afterlife

In order to keep a focus on the tenets of Epicureanism, I want to regularly intersperse my usual comments with quotations from Hiram Crespo’s book, “Tending the Epicurean Garden”, adding my own take on what he has to say. So here goes:

As naturalists we become aware of the benefits of creating a pleasant life here and now, when we observe that everyone else is just waiting to die and dreams of pleasures after this life, never seizing the day, never living fully”.

The fact is that this is it; this life is all we have. There are no angels, celestial choirs, trumpets, golden thrones, and no gate attended by St. Peter.

We do have eternal life in so far as our atoms are forever re-cycled, coalescing and de-coalescing. Maybe we will form part of a tree, a bird, who knows? I don’t. But one thing is for sure – we should be making the most of our brief lives, living them to the full. We should be learning till the end; we should be out and about, not content with grumbling and the TV. We should at least try as many activities, or hobbies, as possible. We should try always to be positive, to laugh and see the funny side of life. And we should live our lives so that one day we can reflect on it all, happy that we have lived morally and ethically, have touched the minds and hearts of friends and have been a good influence on young people. A pleasant, fruitful, rewarding life, even if we have had little material success.