Fussy eaters

“As a child my family’s menu consisted of two choices: take it or leave it”. (Buddy Hackett) How often have you heard little children whining, “I don’t like “bits” in orange juice”, or “I don’t like cabbage/onions/ blueberries” etc. etc? Fill in the blanks. Ad infinitum. I know one person who apparently ate only Heinz …

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Spying on your protector? How long can that go on?

Israel has been caught carrying out aggressive espionage operations against American targets for decades, according to U.S. intelligence officials and congressional sources. And they still do it. They just don’t get arrested very often. As Newsweek recently reported, American counter-intelligence officials told members of the House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs committees at the end of …

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Social mobility: the myth and the facts

Can-do, hard work, dedication are the cornerstones of the America myth of success. There is much hand-wringing about the decline of social mobility. But recent studies show that, the situation has not become worse in the last 30 or forty years. In fact, US social mobility has been relatively stable, and more rigid, than most …

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You can be too rich and too selfish

Last year the Russian tenants in the London apartment beneath us decamped without paying a single bill. For weeks we were returning invoices “gone away”. These people were working for a Russian billionaire with a mansion in Notting Hill. Britain now has 104 billionaires (up from 88 last year), according to The Sunday Times, and …

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“Toddler conversion kits”

A subscriber to the Georgetown Forum, a Washington DC website, is offering “Toddler Conversion” kits. The editor of this blog is not entirely sure how these work, but he is nonetheless hailing this invention as one of the greatest breakthroughs in the last two hundred years. The idea has to be this: in minutes you …

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It’s a short life. Don’t anguish about relationships gone wrong

Let go of things that repeatedly disappoint or upset you, drain your energy, keep you awake at night, bringing neither reward or joy. Some people are born disagreeable, without the capacity for love, caring or particular empathy. We have all met them – the people who are always trying to score points, get one up …

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Don’t give me the facts, just lock ’em up!

There is a Congressional mandate that requires U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to fill 34,000 beds in some 250 facilities across the country, per day, with immigrant detainees (truly!). Not many people know about this “civilised” idea from the huge brains of the leaders of the US House of Representatives, so intent on cutting expenditure. …

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I am totally at a loss. How can one possibly explain this?

The owner of a US gun store who had planned to sell the nation’s first “smart gun” – a weapon that can only be fired by its legal owner – changed his mind after receiving death threats from gun enthusiasts. Andy Raymond, the co-owner of Engage Armament, a Maryland shop known for its custom assault …

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